
You are not defined by your history or the present situation you find yourself in now. You are defined by the direction you are moving in. If that trajectory is to be by design not accident the difference is strategy. We believe that strategy in business and in life is important. In business, strategy is the pursuit by design of economic value. In life, strategy is the pursuit by design of purpose & meaning.

The Importance of Strategy
Building strategy is about creating a narrative that makes sense of the past, gives meaning to the present and projects the future.
February 15, 2022
Strategy: Values, Vision and Mission
Strategy requires clarity of vision and mission; they are powerful navigation beacons when it comes to steering the ship.
February 22, 2022
Strategy: Perfection vs Execution
The goal of strategy is not perfection, it’s execution. But why do we fail to execute?
March 1, 2022
Strategic vs Operational Leadership
It's important that strategic leaders who focus on "there" and the operational leaders who focus on "here" meet somewhere in between.
March 8, 2022
Strategic Leadership
Strategic leaders drive change based on what they focus on: the big picture not the detail; the future not the present.
March 15, 2022
Operational Leadership
Operational leaders understand alignment is more powerful than organisational structure.
March 22, 2022
Strategy & Hope
Strategy without hope is a plan to fail, and nobody plans to fail.
March 29, 2022
Strategy & Culture
Strategy empowered by culture is a formidable partnership characterised by increased momentum and frictionless execution.
July 19, 2022