Writing on
Leaders as Gardeners: Climate versus Control
Exploring the importance of climate and the role that environmental conditions play in determining what grows and how well it grows.
Leaders as Gardeners: Seasons
Despite the fact seasons powerfully shape the world in which we live, we often pay little attention to seasonality when leading and shaping the culture of our business communities.
Leaders as Gardeners
An introduction to the concept of leaders as gardeners.
Authentic Leadership: Integrating Your Life
If to live and to lead authentically is to live and to lead intentionally then to live and lead intentionally is to know what matters most and allow this to shape the choices you make.
Authentic Leadership: The Crucible and the Journey from “I” to “We”
The crucible is a catalyst for personal transformation and the point of departure for the journey from “I” to “we” that characterises authentic leadership.
Authentic Leadership: The Journey from “I” to “We”.
It seems authentic leadership involves a journey from “I” to “we” which is often triggered by a “crucible” experience.
Mark Lawrence is a leadership and culture consultant