
Dreaming by Design

The encouragement to dream should always provoke the question: how do you go about turning your dream into a reality?

As we slowly move towards the potential of a new year and season - hopefully a far less restrictive one than we’ve faced during the Covid season of the past year or so - and consider newfound freedoms, dreams or goals might re-emerge and bubble to the surface.

It seemed like a good time to post a series Mark initially wrote a while ago that we've called Dreaming by Design.

The hope within this series is to equip and further anyone reading in moving towards their dreams in an intentional and realistic way. Every post is hopefully a reflection of a learning journey and a product of learned experience, rather than a purely theoretical formula.

We are passionate about empowering people to dream, but a dream without a plan tends to be fantasy.

The encouragement to dream should always provoke the question: how do you go about turning your dream into a reality?

An important question because dreams are realised mostly by intention not by accident.

The goal behind this series is simply an attempt answering this question in a practical way, with short instalments that hopefully will be a useful toolkit for anyone looking to pursue their dreams in a realistic and meaningful way.  

The approach may feel a little simple. If you struggle with its simplicity it’s likely because its simplicity is its power. Simple means there’s no complexity to hide behind.

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